时间:2008年1月4日—6日 地点:北京大学
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[图文]COMEDIA 总裁Charles Landry

COMEDIA 总裁Charles Landry

作者:本站    文章来源:北大文化产业研究院    点击数:    更新时间:2007-12-13

    查尔斯 兰德利,生于1948年。是国际著名的城市创意大师。他先后在英国、德国、意大利求学,并于1978年成立了联合传媒公司----COMEDIA。联合传媒目前已经成为了欧洲最著名的文化创意咨询公司。兰德利与他的团队也已经成功地为35个国家的数百个项目提供了咨询服务,他们中包括阿尔巴尼亚、澳大利亚、波斯尼亚、保加利亚、加拿大、克罗地亚、芬兰、德国、香港、意大利、日本、荷兰、新西兰、西班牙、台湾、美国等。 
    查尔斯 兰德利致力于城市创意研究。他与城市的领导者和决策者们一起,深入挖掘当地的文化内涵,激发想象,完美地将传统与创新,民族特色与国际元素相结合,在为城市创造财富的同时更注重对原生态环境的保护与社会整体的和谐。兰德利的创意总是站在国际的最前沿,这些鲜活的,极具生命力与感染力的创意作品与理念为兰德利和他的团队赢得了世界的掌声与肯定,兰德利也受到越来越多的学术团体和城市邀请,前去传授他的创意理念,交流经验,帮助城市在激烈的全球化竞争中脱颖而出,打造具有当地独特特色的城市品牌形象。他的最新著作《城市建设的艺术》在全球再次掀起了一股兰德利旋风,受到众多学者、媒体、文化创意产业从业者、学生们的追捧。 

Charles Landry helps cities reach their potential by triggering their imagination and thinking. Working closely with decision makers and local leaders and acting as a critical friend, he inspires, facilitates and stimulates so cities can transform for the better. He helps find original solutions to seemingly intractable urban dilemmas such as marrying innovation and tradition, balancing wealth creation and social cohesiveness, or local distinctiveness and a global orientation. Seen as an international authority on creativity and city futures he focuses especially on how the culture of a place can invigorate and revitalize the economy, enhancing theSense of self and confidence.

Charles was born in 1948 and studied in Britain, Germany and Italy. In 1978 he founded Comedia, a highly respected European consultancy working in creativity, culture and urban change. With his company Comedia, he has worked on several hundred projects in 35 countries from the wealthy to those less fortunate, including Albania, Australia, Bosnia, Bulgaria, Canada, Croatia, Finland, Germany, Hong Kong, Italy, Japan, Netherlands, New Zealand, Poland, Russia, South Africa, Spain, Sweden,Taiwan,Ukraine,USA and Yemen.

He works collaboratively with clients by participating in and helping to orchestrate events, through shorter and longer term residences, deeper involvement over extended time periods, and by undertaking specific tasks. The work ranges from projects to revitalise public, social and economic life through cultural activity, to visionary city and regional strategies or rethinking assets and potential. He has completed nearly 200 assignments for a variety of public and private clients.

He has written several books - which are available on-line through the Comedia on-line bookshop - and he has published extensively. His books include The Art of City Making (2006); The Creative City: A toolkit for Urban Innovators (2000), published to widespread acclaim; Riding the Rapids: Urban Life in an Age of Complexity (2004) and, with Marc Pachter, Culture @ the Crossroads (2001). He has lectured widely all over the world and has presented over 150 keynote addresses on topics including "Risk and creativity", "Creative cities and beyond", "Art and its role in city life", "Complexity and city making", and "Diverse cultures,diverse creativities.



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